After power failure, error System is not ready with state: setup

I had a power failure at my house and afterwards my rasberry pi 4 b based hass setup was not working. Plugging it into a monitor, I can see that when the supervisor starts up, it gives an error:

“Error returned from Supervisor: System is not ready with state: setup”

I’ve tried a ton of commands, and all of them fail, just printing the same message again. How can I debug what might be going on?

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Everything I could find about debugging this issue didn’t work, including SSH’ing to the box, because hass didn’t seem to be running, and neither was the SSH server.

I eventually gave up, reinstalled from scratch, and restored from an older backup. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again.

Have the same issue, but no powerfailure. It happend somewhere during/after updating to the latest version. Think it has been one/two months since the last I’ve applied - have not read the release notes though, hopefully some hints in there of what could have gone wrong.

Seems like the update has taken a really long time for me, just got a notification it is starting

One more followup. I discovered that my SDcard had actually died, and gone into read only mode. I wish there was an easier way to detect this had happened without Hass become almost unusable, with no logs indicating an inability to write. I switched to an m2 SATA SSD, so hopefully I won’t have to deal with this again.