After recently Upgrade and my Home assistant can't start

I had been used standard setup for whole and
After recently Upgrade and my Home assistant can’t start and if anyone know how to recover it ? or take out configration that I can restart again?

another screenshoot and don’t know is it cuase of my SD Card issue or I need to chagne a new card to restart again?

Yes, it looks like a hardware failure. It is not caused by the update, just an interesting coincidence.

As SD CARDS\MMCs failed frequently, try to upgrade to an SSD\NVME. But if it is not possible, then just make sure you are taking frequent external backups.


thanks for the replied. if I change another SD card to use first and will it lost all the configuration

yes, your setup will be lost. You will need to restore from a backup when reinstalling.

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Thanks for replied. I just found I had downland the last configuration file.
I am not sure how much setup in this file and search online information said if I can access to SD Card then to backup

*Check if you can access the /config directory. If so, copy the contents to your computer as this contains all your Home Assistant configurations.
*Specifically, back up the home-assistant_v2.db, configuration.yaml, and the backups folder if it exists.

But when I access the SD Card via comptuer, there didn’t see the /config folder at all or those files…

Did you not backup your setup? If not you may want to setup backups to google drive or some such like as soon as you reinstall HA. It really does make things a lot easier.

Check on you sd card for a backup folder, HA will default to backing up before installing updates, unless you untick the box.

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thanks for replied and it seem like I need to restart it again and will try to used the confiuration file that I had downland before. Hope it won’t take me too long to recover all Home kits.
thanks again

If using an SD it would be great to start the practice of regular backup to a NAS or Cloud storage like google drive. It makes life so much easier.

This is not a backup file, you won’t be able to recover your configuration with this file

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you could try to mount your SD in another device, and seeif you can recover the whole .\config folder.

(that is the folder holding all of your configuration.

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HA is using a Linux operating system, so if you insert your SDCard in a Windows system to copy out files, then it might not be able to see the filesystem at all.
MacOS and Linux system can read the filesystem natively.

For Windows, the solution is to make an Ubuntu Live Stick and boot on that and choose to test/run Ubuntu without installing it.
This makes you run a Linux system from the USB stick, so you can read the filesystem without destroying your Windows setup.


Or use WSL2 on W10/11:

But maybe you cold still access the Samba share (if you installed this add-on)?

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The Samba share will also be Linux formatted.

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Yes the samba will be linux formatted but you can still read samba shares in windows.

Only issue is if HA wont boot it wont be loading the samba share so not going to work. Best bet is the program mentioned above.

And if anyone reading this, who doesn’t have daily backups saving to another device setup, do it now. Nothing like being able to create a new install and restore your backup in an hour rather than all this messing about.

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Ahh, you meant when it is tried booted as a HAOS still and not when the SDCard is extracted and put in a card reader. :slight_smile:

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On Windows, you can use the free linux reader

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I just remembered that HAOS 13.0 had a release notes line saying: “Use EROFS for the root filesystem”.
I do not know what that means in relation to this case or future cases.
I have no knowledge about EROFS. :slight_smile:

thanks so much for this tools and now I can found the old backup from SD card. under supervisor folder.

Now I can upload all the old backup but just have a question. the last back up Home Assistant
(Partial backup Home Assistant (2024.7.4)) but the new fresh build SD card system with 2024.8.3 that seem like with different version.

I had also got very old version of full backup since from last year one. so not sure what should I restore from first??