I did some slight changes
a) making two switch-entities become light-entities
b) deleted devices in home (on an apple-device)
the reasons were the following;
to a)
because the two are smartplugs with lights behind it, so I wanted them to react on commands to the domain “light”. HAss told me during the change, that the original “switch.” entity will be hidden, and only the new “light.”-entity will show up in the entity-list. Seems fine to me.
to b)
I had a lot of devices in HomeKit already, when I started with Homeassistant 2 weeks ago. When I added home bridge to HAss, nearly all devices were doubled in HomeKit. So I tried and deleted one of a double (and I am afraid, it was the wrong one, one with a serial number from Node-Red).
The other day Node-Red-AddOn was stopped, and since then I get the following error in the Node-Red-Log:
6 Jul 13:03:01 - [red] Uncaught Exception:
6 Jul 13:03:01 - [error] Error: Service name is already in use on the network
at Registry._onProbeComplete (/config/node_modules/bonjour-hap/lib/Registry.js:108:27)
at Prober.done (/config/node_modules/bonjour-hap/lib/Prober.js:67:10)
at Prober.onMDNSresponse (/config/node_modules/bonjour-hap/lib/Prober.js:61:102)
at EventEmitter.emit (node:events:517:28)
at Socket.<anonymous> (/config/node_modules/multicast-dns/index.js:49:43)
at Socket.emit (node:events:517:28)
at UDP.onMessage (node:dgram:942:8)
[13:03:01] INFO: Service Node-RED exited with code 1 (by signal 0)
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping
I tried already several restarts; whole system, only Homeassistant, only AddOn.
I checked configuration of Node-Red (although I didn’t change anything in there before the issue occurred).
I always see the normal startup-sequence of NR in the Log, until this lines above appear, and every service stops again afterwards.
I can see, that “bonjour-hap” seems to cause an issue, but I don’t know, how to handle it. Can anybody guide me through this?