After update to 0.108.9 most of pages not loading

I don’t use multiple dashboards or SSS integration so my problems must be elsewhere?

Any cameras at all?

No cameras either.

Opps, seems not the answer either. I’ve removed cameras from a problem page and while initially that made things work awesome, 5 minutes later, back to its old tricks. Work-in-progress.

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Are you able to give me an indication of what integrations you do run to see if there is any common ground? I’ve rolled back all the way to 0.105.5 and I’m still having issues (same fully loaded config) so there must a combination of a couple of things together that do not like each other.

I posted the complete list above…I thought you thanked me for that? Most of the list are core default and the rest are all core optional.

Dooh, silly me. Of course you did. I’ll check that out.

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