After update to new version 2024.2.0 error on working device

After installing new version of ESPHOME
Failed config

sensor.bme280: [source /config/esphome/weather-station.yaml:49]

Platform not found: ‘sensor.bme280’.
platform: bme280
name: Outdoor temperature
unit_of_measurement: °C
id: Temp
oversampling: 1x
name: Outdoor Pressure
unit_of_measurement: mmHg
oversampling: 1x
id: Pres
- lambda: return x/1.33322;
name: Outdoor Humidity
id: Hum
address: 0x76
update_interval: 60s
Can enyone help

Read the release notes.

BME280 changes
@apbodrov has added support for the BME280 sensor over SPI. This change is a breaking change for any existing configurations using the BME280 over I2C as the platform name has been changed from bme280 to bme280_i2c. There are no other configuration changes required to continue using the BME280 over I2C. See the component documentation for the latest configuration variables.

Thanks a lot. Now everything OK