After updateing from 0.100.2 to 0.101.2 or later a lovelace tab is empty

When I update from 0.100.2 to 0.101.2 or later one of my lovelace tabs is empty. Unfortunately it’s the complicated one with nested horizontal and vertical widgets.
Are there know problems or anyone an idea, what might the cause?

Here the screenshot of the tab, which is empty when running on 0.101.2:

Looks like you’ve got alot of custom cards there. What errors are in the logs when you updated?

Not to much :thinking:
‘custom:bignumber-card’, ‘custom:bar-card’ and ‘custom:mini-graph-card’

Here the log: Error: sensor.coreos_ram_used doesn't exist.

18:42 components/system_log/ (ERROR) Error: sensor.coreos_containers_cpu_used doesn't exist.

18:42 components/system_log/ (ERROR) TypeError: hass.states[config.entity] is undefined

18:42 components/system_log/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 18:42 and shows up 3 times

Which is strange enough; when I look at States, those sensors aren’t there, but when I switch back to 0.100.2, the sensors are there again.
Sensors source is the glances (Glances v3.1.0 with psutil v5.6.3) service, which runs native on my RPi (because the docker version seems not to work for values outside the glances container)…

Well, fix the issues with those sensors and they’ll work the page will work. There’s most likely configuration or name changes that occurred. Especially if you are using discovery to make them.

Unfortunately I have no idea where to look at or where to start.
I haven’t change anything except starting another home assistant container version.

What might cause the names to have changed?
What are meaning with “if you are using discovery to make them”? - I have started Glances and configured HA to connect to it. Than I found the sensor names in the “unused entities”.

Edit: Found something in the release notes, which I will check…

Start with the integrations that creates those entities. Look at the integration, and verify your config for it is still valid. Configuration changes can occur on any update to HA.

Your hint, the release notes and the documentation helped.

  • Configured the Glances Integration in Integrations / Configure - Add Integration / Glances - necessary values taken from sensor.yaml.
  • Removed all Glances Sensors in sensor.yaml.
  • Replaced all findings of “coreos” with “glances” in Lovelace source using the the RAW editor and the tab is working like a charm.

Thanks again, petro.

If it’s okay for you, I will mark this summary as solution?!

Someone out there having Glances running as a container and seeing values of RPi itself?

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