I have 3 HA instances, all running on an Intel NUC5i3, working flawless for a few years. After hitting the update button to update the HA Core system, the systems do not start afterwards automatically and they are unapproachable. I’m not sure what the update was, if I recall correctly there is HA Core and Operating system. It was the upper one, so if I’m correct the update for the Home Assistant Core.
It must have to do something with the latest update as nothing else changed, I update regularly and it occurred on 3 systems (separate houses).
I didn’t realise there was a problem, so I hit update for all 3 systems 
Does anybody know what’s going on and how to recover this (my guests have arrived for Christmas and this is really a damn the system doesn’t work).
All suggestions are welcome. I have no idea how to get them alive… 
The following screen I repeatedly get:
All 3 instances run with https via
Turning off physically the NUC and turning it on again, makes no difference. Ping gives response.
You need to get terminal access to the machine.
at the “ha>” prompt type core check
so that you can see what the error is that is stopping core from running.
As one of my NUC’s are in the house, I have connected a monitor…
The following is being showed. Looks good:
I will do the “core check” now and I will report back.
I have a feeling it has something to do with https via duckdns although that has always been fine…
I’m getting closer…
This I recognise, but wasn’t a problem before…
I think it’s the list ip_ban_whitelist
… somehow this (or format) is now not accepted anymore. How can I edit the configuration.yaml
from the console and at the other remote instances, can I get in remotely to edit it (I have vpn etc).
One NUC I have up and running again! It has something to do with ip_ban_whitelist:
, I will try to find out later…
The question now is, how can I edit the configuration.yaml from outside? I have a VPN and I have installed ssh (but not sure if I have configured it properly)
IF you can get access to the terminal like you had above, then you can type login at the ha> prompt and get a linux shell. Should be enough to get you in to remove that single line.
From what I can see, ip_ban_whitelist
has never been a valid option, there is an open feature request to get it added, but it has not a documented option on the http page.
Oh the file will be /mnt/data/supervisor/homeassistant/configuration.yaml
That’s all correct. On my physical NUC next to me, I succeeded to edit /mnt/data/supervisor/homeassistant/configuration.yaml.
The question now is, how can I get access to 2 NUCs have installed abroad? I do have local access via VPN, but I’m not sure if I have installed SSH properly (I installed it, but never really tested it). So, is there a way to get in on the local network and edit the configuration.yaml?
The SSH add-on is just a container. IF you installed samba, then that’s your best bet. VPN to the machine, open the samba share and edit the configuration.yaml and restart the machine.
I’m afraid Samba hasn’t been installed (although I did have it before I bet)… I think at a certain moment I thought it’s not the way to go… now I can slab myself not having SAMBA 
Also any try with Putty on 22 doesn’t result in anything (so, I’m afraid ssh installation hasn’t been done or configuration hasn’t been done properly)…
Am I stuck now? Until I travel 1.050 km to get into the house and bring a keyboard and display with me? Oh no, please tell me something different… 
I may be able to help if you message me and give me some more private information, that is not the sort of information you want in the forum