After updating to 0.81, all of my MQTT devices have disappeared

After updating to 0.81 all of my MQTT devices (locks, lights, sensors, etc) are showing the yellow “entity not found” error in Lovelace and nothing appears on the states screen. I have since rolled back to 0.80.3 and everything is back to normal. I didn’t see any MQTT breaking changes. What am I doing wrong here?

Edit: just attempted to update again, and it’s working just fine. Not sure what happened.

I’m having this same issue. Haven’t tried rolling back and updating again but will do so. Seems odd…

Edit: Rolling back to 0.80.3 brought everything back, but they disappeared again for me after updating the second time to 0.81.0

Looks like in 0.81.0 you cannot have both manually configured MQTT devices and auto-discovered MQTT devices. I use a mix of both, and all of my manually configured ones disappear when I have discovery set to true. I cannot tell from the release notes if this is the intended functionality now though?

Same here. My esphomeyaml devices are fine, but my SmartThings MQTT Bridge devices all disappeared. I even tried manually adding entity_id references without any luck. I’ve got an issue open here if you’d like to add to it.

FYI on this: #17935. Apparently there’s a bug where some components prevent others from loading. In my case it was octoprint. Everything came back once I commented that out.