After upgrading to V2022.08 supervised version, home assistant core partial backup is missing

After upgrading to V2022.08, home assistant core partial backup is missing. I can’t include home assistant core config in the backup … only other folders and addons are available for backup!?

Anyone experience the same issue?

Screenshot 2022-08-15 at 11.54.49

Yes, I’m having the same issue. But I haven’t found any solution or workaround, apart from doing a full backup. Anyone can offer any help or a hint??? Thanks!

Noticed the same issue running this version: Home Assistant 2022.8.6 Supervisor 2022.08.3 Operating System 8.5 Frontend 20220802.0 - latest.
Only realized that this was happening when I noticed the automated backups being different from my manual ones as I played around with various configurations.

I had another home assistant which is running 2022.7.1 , also got same issue when I rebooted the home assistant just today!
seems that bug related to the supervised container!? not sure, where to report that . the core backup works with the auto backup before upgrade in my case

Issues with backups may be reported here:

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I noticed that the issue has been reported on github, so I am linking it here for everyone’s convenience:

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