Aftership State card

Hey wonderful HA community!

Pardon me if this is not the correct section, but I was hesitating between this one and development…

Recently I felt the need for a HomeAssistant component which would allow me to track all my parcels I am expecting. As with all DIY people out there this list can get lengthy. I found some others attempting to do something similar, but this would only cause more and more problems for my specific case (logs getting flooded on missing packages, losing the overview on the HomeAssistant homepage, …)

I am using AfterShip as this is a platform that allows me to add (for free!) all my packages and automatically look for missing information. And they have a very easy to use API!

I still have some things I really want to change, but I believe in the power of a community so maybe others who have some more knowledge in polymer may be able to accelerate this :slight_smile:

Hope you can find some use for it!


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made a platform for aftership

wonder if would help you ?