Again LGwebos turn tv on won't work

I read al the topics about the webos stuff…
I download and configure the plugin, I see it on te main screen, everything works … execpt the turn on (after I turned it of)

I have this in the configuration.yaml file :

name: Living Room TV
service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
mac: “my Mac Adress of the LG tv”
broadcast_address: “”

Question 1: wich Mac Adress doe I need the LAN or the Wlan Mac ?
Question 2: I upload te new configuration.yaml file en restart the HA server
Question 3: do I need a other thing

When I turn the tv off after a few seconds the screen change to “grayed out” and the clickable items are gone, what goes wrong here ? HA is running as a docker container with remapped config folder on my NAS

is there a how to section for this problem ?

regards Hans

ok I fix the turn on part , has to do with the docker config “–net=host”
so now ik can:

Turn on/of the tv and choose a input source , and volume up / down / mute
that is great but I want some more control like switch channel and more so I make a script

yaml code :

service: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
media_content_id: 1
media_content_type: channel

nothing happens … so I made an other script to turn on a light and a second to turn It off …
works fine …
what goes wrong with the script for the LG tv ?

I must say, I am compleet new to HA work with it now for less then a week.
please help me I drive me nuts :slight_smile:

Here is what worked for me:
Find out LG TV IP and MAC Addresses (Settings>Connection>Wi-Fi Connection>Advanced Wi- Fi Settings) and copy them down
In Home Assistant go to Add integration and add Wake On LAN
In the integration screen, input the LG TV MAC address and IP address. Then use this PRESS action to turn on the LG TV.