AI Power Consumption

Many of us have a device who control our home energy usage integrated in HA. This is so cool feature, considering that in HA recently added an Energy management tab. :clap:
This data is a energy usage of our whole house, express in Volt, Watt, Ampere and PowerFactor.
It would be nice to integrate in HA something like a AI who recognize a single device state (ON/OFF) based on our energy consumption parameter. I hope I’am clear.
Something like this company do:

What do you think abut?

I think Neurio is capable of doing it and HA should have integration for it

It would sure be an awesome feature, but it’s very hard to realize, especially when different kind of meter would have to be supported.
There is a few research projects existing but nothing directly useable yet (like or Intelligent Appliance Classification)

1 Like is perhaps an option although I could never get it to work.

This one looks promising; I’m yet to try monitoring-home-appliances-from-power-readings-with-ml

Intelligent Appliance Classification (Using vibration though & specific hardware requirements)

Grafana Cloud Pro Machine Learning and adaptive alerts; also an option but paid service.

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