AI / sensors with the Movidius Neural Compute Stick

Use Movidius Neural Compute Stick API for super intelligence. (think local facial, object, etc recognition, etc…)
Check video, and

This is featured in the new Hackspace magazine and looks very interesting, as well as being embedded in Googles Clips camera. Image recognition is a compute intensive task, so for a pi offloading this onto separate hardware looks like a nice solution. Pricewise, 80 dollars is a price I would be happy to pay. @iaescwine have you used the stick?

No not yet, but seems awesome :sunglasses:! Hopefully it’ll gain attention.

I ordered one this morning :slight_smile: 70 pounds on RS (84 pounds including VAT)

Cool! I hope you can use it for object learning via the camera. Keep us posted :sunglasses:!