hello to all
im new to home assistant id like to add my air condition named tesla
but home assistant didnt discover the device
any help how to add it?
thank you
Never heard of other Tesla brands than the car, is there an integration for it? If so, look in the docs. If not, maybe a DYI solution with a ESP might work.
thanks for the fast answer!
you can see the ac im speaking at this link Tesla.info | Air conditioning
my ac have wifi and it was connected to tesla smart app in my android phone so can i voice control it throw google home assistant
Did you find a solution for this ?
TLDR: Use tuya app (Smart Life) to connect to AC and tuya integration into HA.
I was also stuck in Tesla Smart Thing app with no integration. I did the port scan on the IP my AC was connected to my WiFi router, found open port 6668. Then fast googling brought me to this library and a quote from it:
A library for communicating with devices that use the Tuya cloud network. These devices are branded under many different names, but if your device works with the TuyaSmart app or port 6668 is open on your device chances are this library will work.
Getting to tuya app (I had installed for other devices) I was able to add my new AC via the same interface that tesla app had. And after that my tuya integration was able to pick it up and add to HA.
Thanks for the tip but appearently this is a problem with the particular model (TT34EX82BM-1232IAW) which doesnt expose any entities, only one for climate control. So even though it appears on HA i dont have any control over it.
However another model (TA27FFLL-0932IA) works fine, so thats something