Air conditioner automation


Can i please get some assistance automating the coiling of my house. The goal is to the keep the temps around 74-75 degrees between the hours of 8AM to 11PM and only if everybody is home. Below is what i’m working with so far:

- id: 000000000008
  alias: Turn on living room AC if temp is high
  description: ''
  - above: 75
    device_id: 1ef0a8669c0842d7b0ea287f842c27f7
    domain: sensor
    entity_id: sensor.inovelli_lzw60_4_in_1_sensor_temperature
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
    platform: device
    type: value
  - condition: state
    entity_id: group.everybody
    state: home
  - after: 00:08:00
    before: '23:00:00'
    condition: time
  - device_id: 7056bc2784774893b8bae85762ef07fb
    domain: switch
    entity_id: switch.aeon_labs_zw096_smart_switch_6_switch
    type: turn_on
- id: 000000000009
  alias: Turn off living room AC if temp is good
  description: ''
  - below: 74
    device_id: 1ef0a8669c0842d7b0ea287f842c27f7
    domain: sensor
    entity_id: sensor.inovelli_lzw60_4_in_1_sensor_temperature
      hours: 0
      minutes: 10
      seconds: 0
    platform: device
    type: value
  condition: []
  - device_id: 7056bc2784774893b8bae85762ef07fb
    domain: switch
    entity_id: switch.aeon_labs_zw096_smart_switch_6_switch
    type: turn_off

And if you have better way of doing please let me know. I just put this together best on my limited knowledge :smiley:

You could create a generic thermostat and use automations to turn the climate entity off when everyone leaves (or when the time goes past 11pm) and on when everyone is home and the time is between 8am and 11pm.

What you have looks pretty good in theory / logic (unsure the precise indentations / formatting).

You could also add TRIGGERS for the turn OFF automation for:

  1. Group.everybody to AWAY
  2. Time 23:00:00

I’d also trigger the ON at 08:00:00 and add a condition of temp > 75

This way the ON would trigger both at the start of your time limits AND when temp went over 75

It would then turn OFF when group is away, end of time limit reached or temp < 74.

Sometimes it’s helpful if using multiple triggers to also use them as conditions to reduce # of automations needed.

There’s typically a bunch of ways to solve problems / create automations in HA - so use whatever is easiest / best / works for you!

Sorry for the delay. Can you point me to an example. Sorry im a noobie.

I’ve tried the generic thermostat and it seemed to work fine but how do i automate the when it come on and off for the day?