I am looking for an air quality device that is able to rather easily send data to the HA. I would rather not go to z-wave (propriety), but I don’t want to flash the device either (losing insurance and all). So the criteria would be:
Zigbee or MQTT
Air Quality
No flash, runs out of the box to HA
I really like the Shelly’s in that respect, but they don’t have an air quality and lack quite a few sensors to integrate with the shelly’s. So the ease of use of the Shelly’s is what I’m looking for.
Grovepi might be an option, but it appears to require far more setup to get it working. As far as I understand Xiaomi might work, using the Conbee ii. In that respect IKEA might be useful as well.
So should I delve into Conbee, or are there other brands such as Shelly that do stuff right out the box?
As should be obvious, not an expert. Any advice is more than welcome.
They are just different protocols, but the devices for both will be proprieraty. With Z-Wave you would need an Aeotec Stick or something similar and with ZigBee a ConBee or similar to connect the devices to home assistant.