Air quality sensors

I got 2 diferent air quality sensors to play with, one is the frient by develco and the other is a TuYa compatible smartair house keeper. comparing the data i get from both i see some significant differences and I do not know how to identify which is right and which is wrong!

any support or link to support whould be appreciated.

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I would not expect absolute accuracy from consumer grade air quality devices. The built-in sensors’ accuracies can vary quite a lot.

There are plenty of sources on the Internet explaining in a bit more detail how accurate these devices can be, e.g.

I personally use air quality sensors more for trends. For example, my PM10 sensor normally hovers somewhere between 1-10 µg/m³, but when there is a bushfire nearby, the values quickly go above 100 µg/m³, and that is something you can detect and then send out alerts.

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Would you be able to share what device you are using that has a PM10 sensor? There don’t seem to be many on the market that include PM10 and finding something that works with Home Assistant is even more difficult.

I built my own, using an SDS011 sensor (which measures PM10 and PM2.5) connected to an ESP and running ESPHome. Have a look at my blog posts here if you are interested in DIY.

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The Sensirion SEN54 has PM1.0, PM2.5, PM4.0 and PM10.0.

IKEA uses this sensor in their Vindstyrka air monitor, but for some reason only the PM2.5 measure is displayed on their device and transmitted over zigbee. You can open it up and directly interface with the SEN54 though, getting all the data.

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Thanks. I am not too good with DIY hardware, so am looking for something off the shelf. I have the IKEA sensor already and it seems to work fairly well for PM2.5 and VOCs. It’s very fast to react. That’s a real shame they haven’t exposed the other measurements.

Does anyone knows if the TuYa sensor is compatible with homeassistant via ZHA without using a tuya bridge?

Hi All,
I know this is an old thread, but I recently bought 2 air quality sensors and they are both giving similar readings to what costasfait posted (right hand side image). I know the sensors are inaccurate but there is more than inaccuracy at play here. My first reaction is that the readings seem to be swapped round. For example, CO2 average reading should be between 350-450 ppm and not 5ppm. Formaldehyde should around 7ppb or 0.1 mg/m3, I think 2ppm is considered not safe for long periods, so 360 is very odd. Has anybody considered or investigated whether these readings are swapped the other way round?