Playing with home-assistant, awesome project.
I have it installed on Raspberry Pi 3 and now thinking about music part. I have two Airplay speakers in different rooms. And I wish to automatically switch them, while I moving around the house. Here is an idea, like I see it:
– something makes my Raspberry Pi to act as Airplay receiver (max2play?)
– something makes my RPi to act as Airplay server/transmitter (pulseaudio + raop?)
– Home-assistant, based on motion sensors / iBeacons retranslate input audio (from iOS device / iTunes / etc) to proper Airplay speaker in the proper room
Could you please give advice how to make this idea real? I don’t mean exact config, but just name of plugins/software that will do what I describe. Or maybe there is more elegant solution?
Thanks a lot!
What did you finally choose? I’m interested in this as well. But I’m still very confused how to control.
Hi! I moving towards setup I described above (RPi AirPlay receiver + transmitter), but not finished yet. I’ll write here when things will be done.
Great! Look forward to your effort.
I look forward to this as well! Would love to have my airplay follow me from my mancave to my workshop
I’m interested too!
Did you ever manage to get it to work?
I stumbled over this but the container won’t boot and I don’t know enough about avahi etc to fix it
the easiest solution would be to incorporate airplay 2 into the pi, but have not seen it done, then use presence detectors in each room/hallway to figure out where you are
Since mentioned max2play; you can check out this article on max2play multiroom audio
With this, you can use AirPlay
airplay 1 and airplay 2 are completely different, only airplay 2 devices let you stream to more then device for multi room audio, it doesn’t say its air play 2 compatible, heres more informartion on airplay 2 https://www.pocket-lint.com/speakers/news/apple/141261-apple-airplay-2-what-is-it-how-does-it-work-and-what-devices-are-supported
Thank you for the info. But throughout my house i have a total of 5 PIs loaded with max2play plus logitech media server as the controller. On the media server (logitech web admin) i install the airplay plugin, and after that I created a group of two or more device. And it’s working for me sofar.
ok, doesn’t sound like your using the airplay + ios app, but a custom one, glad it works for you
You are right. I’m using “ShairTunes2” on my LMS