Airtouch 4 integration (AUS)

Hi Tom,

The way that I got it to work on my actual installation (I think, its been a while now), after you check out the airtouch4-integration branch from my repository, is just taking all the files I changed in my PR, listed here (looks like theres about 14), and splatting them over the top of the ones in my actual home assistant installation - once you’ve done that you should be able to add it through the Integrations page… but if you’ve got a running home assistant installation and aren’t too sure about fixing it if it explodes, it might be best to steer clear for now! hopefully, eventually, one day they will finally accept the PR and you will just be able to add it via the Integrations screen.

Hi Sam,

After some messing around, and a few snapshot restores, I ended up getting it working.
Funnily enough, all I needed to do was copy the airtouch4 folder into the custom_components folder and it showed up as an integration. All functional now and thank you for the help :slight_smile:

(files from here:

Thanks @tpez for the above instructions! seems to be working!

Hi @tpez im looking into this and have tried it in my dev HA copy.

I have created a custom_componants folder and copied the airtouch4 folder in.
after a reboot i go into the home assistant integrations page and i can see the integration.
i then click to install and it just spins on installing integration.

Did you do anything differently?


Hi @4Sakyen,
From what you have said, we have done the same things. Unfortunately, I am not too sure what would cause it to freeze on the install either. I suppose it is possible that some of my other settings or config files in my instance could be affecting the results but that is just a stab in the dark.
Sorry I can’t offer anymore.

Bummer! Oh well thanks for your reply, let’s hope the pr gets approved soon. I’m really keen to get this working.

My installation seems to have stalled - it is showing temp readings from 2 weeks ago - not current.

I was going to install the latest files you refer to above. I notice your files are now under “Pull”, not “Components” in GitHub. Do we read anything into that? (I guess I was looking at different branches - still learning to speak GitHub)

Hey Steve,

Not sure what the ‘components’ vs ‘pull’ situation is - the files haven’t moved anywhere! If you just check out the same branch (airtouch4-integration) making sure that you’ve pulled the latest files, all the files should be in the same places as there were. As far as I have heard, the newest version has been good (hasn’t broken for me yet)

I wasn’t looking at your fork - clearly I’m running a bit slow here.


I am getting this in the logs:
2021-03-30 19:24:31 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] No ‘version’ key in the manifest file for custom integration ‘airtouch4’. This will not be allowed in a future version of Home Assistant. Please report this to the maintainer of ‘airtouch4’

Apologies if it has come up elsewhere.

@LonePurpleWolf I’m wondering if you’ll have more luck submitting your integration for use via HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) instead of official HA Integration.

Yeah possibly - I don’t use HACS so not sure what’s involved - as far as I know most people (at least on this thread) have it working as it is - and it certainly seems like the intended way to distribute integrations like this is through the home assistant core integrations (core is full to the brim of a bunch of other climate control integrations). I am hoping that in the scenario that they ever approve the pull request, subsequent PRs will be much faster (as my understanding is stuff can be approved by the people involved in making that integration, not whoever it is currently waiting for)

Hi Sam

The latest update for HomeAssistant now excludes this because of the lack of version number I mentioned above.

2021-06-03 11:45:18 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.loader] The custom integration ‘airtouch4’ does not have a valid version key (None) in the manifest file and was blocked from loading. See Custom integration changes | Home Assistant Developer Docs for more details

Any suggestions for a fix???


I just added a line:

“version”: “1.0.0”,

to the manifest.json and it is now happy.

Not sure what your real version is.

Hey Steve, glad you solved your issue. As the goal is not to ship it as a custom component, my understanding is it doesn’t need a version in the manifest file, it’s only required because some people are using the custom_components folder to allow it to run

I have put it in the custom_components folder. Should it just be in the configuration.yaml

  • or does it go somewhere else?

Sorry dumb question I’m sure, but which branch should we be using?

airtouch4-integration - this seems like the obvious candidate (and I have it currently working)
airtouch4-integration-2 - changes are older here, but it sounds like a v2 from branch name?
airtouch4-integration-code-review - seems to have most recent changes?

Hi @Snozzle
I recommend using whichever one works for you :wink: - airtouch4-integration is the one that is being pull requested into home assistant core, so hopefully that one is the most up to date (and the one that works for you!)

Hey @LonePurpleWolf

Just trying to install your integration and hitting a roadblock.

I have created a folder in my custom_components folder called airtouch4
In this directory I’ve put in everything in files and folder from here

After restarting the server, I go to Integrations to add it but dont see any Airtouch showing here. I do see a Network UPS Tools (NUT), but believe this is unrelated?

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I found I was having the same issue as Steve61.
I added the Version number 1.0.0 and now its no longer having the version error, however its still not showing up under integrations.

Logs show
2021-06-29 15:24:54 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration airtouch4 which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant

Got the integration working and now can see AirTouch4
For some reason its showing the temp at 154c when the sensor is showing 19c
I have tried all 3, airtouch4-integration, `airtouch4-integration2, and code review. Can’t seem to change the mode from heat/cool etc