Ian, I have had a look and you appear to be doing the same as I did. I’m using a recent version of home assistant are you using an up to date version?
Download your full log and you should see something like this:
[homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration airtouch5 which has not been tested by Home Assistant
Otherwise check if there are any errors relating to airtouch5
Thanks for the instructions - I have the integration working well with my AirTouch 5 system.
One question I have which is more of a general HA question, but still related to this - does anyone know how to extract the temperature of the zones into their own sensors? I have AirTouch temp sensors in each room, giving me 8 zones total. And with this integration, each room gets its own “Climate” sensor which displays the current temperature and provides controls for that zone. But I’d also just like a dumb temperature sensor to be displayed in HA for each room. Not sure if that makes sense?
Excellent, I have got the same working (although written differently).
Next question - I’d like to just get the fan on/off state for each zone. When viewed in Developer Tools / States, I see:
Entity State Attributes
climate.study fan_only lots of stuff
My question is, what sort of code do I use to extract the “fan_only” state ?
(Thanks to Stuart, I can successfully extract attributes - but don’t know how to extract the main state)
I’m interested in this too, but I’m curious to hear if your system works the same as mine at the moment… Each of my zones has a temperature sensor and there’s a damper in the ducting that controls the air flow to the zone. This means that each zone only reports “fan_only” or “off” as the modes of operation, and only the main heat-pump unit reports the actual mode of operation (e.g. heat, cool, auto, etc). But if the zone was turned on when the heat-pump was turned off, then the zone continues to report “fan_only” instead of “off”. So to get the true operation state of a zone, I need to combine both the state of the main heat-pump unit with the state of the zone - I can’t just rely on the state of the zone to determine if the heat-pump is actually on or not.
Wondering if I need to create a bunch more template sensors so I can better report on the actual operation of a zone…?
The zones should just read a simple zone on or zone off, I don’t know why these integrations show as fan on as it isn’t correct and misleading.
The zones and the main unit are two seperate things.
The zones can always be turned on and off independently of what the main system is doing.
I would be adding a additional icon to each zone that changes colour when the main system itself is on.
This makes it clear to see that the zone is on but the system is off.
Things do get a little bit more complicated with the new Airtouch 5 sensors as they can also be used to start stop the main unit if they are configured that way.
Besides the sensors controlling the dampers they are used to determine when the main system will start and stop if they are setup properly.
The Airtouch should be set to use the controller sensor as economy or auto, I’d check this as most installers just leave it at AC which does not offer the best control of the system and functionality of the sensors.
I presume the zone dampers remain in the position they were set to when the aircon is turned-off, so reporting them open (to an unknown percentage) when the A/C is off is probably correct.
What I have done is to add a sensor in configuration.yaml that extracts the state (off or fan_only) of each zone. I then use NodeRed logic to convert the sensor “fan_only” & “off” into an input boolean. I can then use the input boolean on my Lovelace page and use the “colour icons based on state” option.
You could of course easily logic AND the state of the main unit (running in some mode) with the “fan_only” state of each zone to indicate the zone being on.
yes indeed, but what I meant was that if you take the state of “fan_only” to mean “damper open”, then reporting “damper open” when the system is off is probably still technically correct because the dampers don’t close when the system turns off.
It should just reflect the zone on/off button on the Airtouch itself. The damper can be closed even though it’s on so damper open isn’t a correct representation either really.
Each zone reports two modes: fan_only and off - which is as you described, i.e. on or off. But in HA, the state of the zone doesn’t actually tell you if the main heat-pump is on or not. I have solved this by creating some more sensors which look like this:
This basically says, if the zone is off then report the state as being off, but if the zone is on then report the state of the main heat-pump. This means that the zone will report whether it’s heating or cooling or on auto mode.
I’m doing this mostly for reporting purposes - I want to track the temperature in each room, and also show if the zone was heating or off. I can plot graphs like this in Grafana:
I have a esp32 setup with a supply air and return air temperature sensors fitted in the duct work.
It uses differences between supply and return air temps to determine if the system is in heating or cooling mode, it’s also doing some other cool things that I’ve spoken to the Airtouch engineers about adding one day.
Like you, you can see some cool stuff in grafana adding this in.