Airtouch 5 Integration (Aus)

ok i just tested and this is the result

  • wifi on and internet access blocked on the firewall, airtouch 5 app will not open and will keep showing message that it cannot download data and for you to retry or re-download app.
  • wifi off app launches without any issues and works.

there is absolutely no reason for it to not work if wifi is on but internet access is not accessible. The developers of this app for whatever bizarre reason deliberately coded the app behaviour to be like this.

far from ideal.

I put some constraints on my AirTouch 4 tablet, which wants to talk to IP addresses in China as well as to Polyaire.

@smitcoracing I had Airtouch 5 installed at my property last week and the installer has done a basic job of installing and explaining how the system works.

What is the best way for me as a use to ensure the system has been installed and configured the best possible way for my property. There are also some specific questions about the system which I have and my installer is not able to respond to them, wondering if I could speak about them with you.


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Hi all

Is there anyway to expose the timer settings to home assistant (from the api).

Can automate it within HA but it would be ideal if the console and HA were in sync here

The programs are not included in the official API, although they do sync to the app (unlike favourites) so there must be a hidden API for them.

I’ve set up programs in Home Assistant using the Scheduler custom integration and custom automations. I found that more flexible to do things like adjusting the target temperature based on the current electricity tariffs. I no longer use the console programs at all.

If programs were available in Home Assistant how would you expect them to work? Just as on off toggles, or are you looking for more advanced controls?

Would just be after replication of the on/off timer. Nothing special - all other features are avaiilable from the HA integration , but I have to get up to the panel to set an off timer before bed.

Will look into the scheduler integration you posted, but my method in programming everything i have in HA is to lose not any capability in original method (e.g. light switches still work).

In an ideal way, i would set up a on/off timer that is visable and editable on the console itself

EDIT: Just read your username - here i am digging into your Github API in the background for some more insight haha

I’ve done some digging tonight. I think I can make some updates to the extension to expose the quick timer as a service/action in Home Assistant. I’ll let you know once I have something to test.

Thanks mate, interested to see how this goes and how you did it. Ive found a copy of Comms protocol 1.2 and it very much does not make any comments on the function (just a status message of on or off)