Ajax alarm system

In order to test various automation scenarios, I’d like to fire events manually using developer/events.
I checked SIA documentation, but I still don’t how should I proceed. There are 4 zones in armed state, and I’d like to simulate a triggered condition for a specific detector in a specific zone.
I guess I should put “sia_event_port_account” in event type, but what should I set in event data?
Than you

The actual component doesn’t listen to the events (it uses dispatcher) the events are just there to allow you to automate based on other events then the ones handled…

Thank you for your prompt answer. In other words, in order to test automations there is no other solution than triggering a sensor under real conditions?

Would know this too, please.

I have had no further problems since reinstalling Ubuntu fresh and booting up my docker containers.

Something was severely wrong with my installation that kept starting the python process to run Home Assistant regardless of whether the docker container was stopped. I think what was happening was the port was becoming in use by this other process. I figured it out because my LocalTuya integration kept complaining the port was already taken.

Hi All

On the AJAX app it doesn’t have the option for the site ID anymore but on the SIA integration in HA it asks for an account ID and it’s a compulsory field. Any ideas what it should be. Are the 2 related? is the side ID the serial number of the hub?

no it is not. You will just get it it in case it is armed and the window is opened, or any other sensor, except special ones like smoke detector for instance

the account Id is anything you want. I just put 4 letters the first time I set it up. Strange I just checked on Ajax Pro 3.6.0, the field is still there. Are you using Ajax, Ajax Pro, or a phone/tablet app?

From one week about, maybe from last ha update, sia integration can’t be read Ajax alarm state.

Nothing changes in my router, and alarm settings.

I got this error in register
Logger: pysiaalarm.base_server
Source: runner.py:179
First occurred: 7 marzo 2023 alle ore 21:26:13 (5697 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:49:47

Code not found, replying with DUH to account: ABC11

I’m using the normal app, seems like v2.23 (build #2255) It used to have the field there. On an iPhone 12 pro

Please vote for this FR : Ajax integration with regular Ajax API - #5 by kolia :slight_smile:

Hi @eavanvalkenburg
I’ve added some devices to my hub and now I’m faced some issue:


Logger: pysiaalarm.base_server
Source: runner.py:179
First occurred: 19:10:48 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 19:10:48

Code not found, replying with DUH to account: NNNNNN

Maybe some codes of news devices make a bug in the code ?

  • Drealine

I have a Chiron Iris IP dialer. It sends alarm SIA messages over ethernet to my Alarm Centre. Now I would like change this. I want the dialer to report to my Home Assistant session in the same LAN. In the IPdialer I can set the IPaddress of HA, however, I cannot set the port. I cannot find the default port it uses either. I tried some default ports I found on the internet: 6410, 53165, 10001 but I recieve no signal. Any ideas which default other ports I could try?

I don’t know but when I visited Ajax SIA codes : SIA Codes - Google Sheets

It seems that columns are added it with mentions : SMS pattern, if EN 50131 enabled (in development), App Key.
Maybe an option to have state of all sensors when disarm in SIA protocol ? It w’ll be really cool if Ajax implement it!

hello, you have a tuto please

can you help me out? i installed Jeedom on a VM, installed Ajax integration to Jeedom and i see all my devices clearly.
Next i want Jeedom to publish to HA mqtt broker, so i installed jMQTT, but i cant connect and it doesnt give me any logs.
where can i be wrong? same credentianls are for mqtt explorer program which connects perfectly with no issues.
Jeedom is able to see the inside network

okay so i got the connection. the problem was to tick an activate button here

but now whats the queestion is how to bypass the Jeedom ajax entities to HA MQTT

You have to ‘Manually create MQTT entities’. I just posted some guidance for another purpose, this might help you as well as using MQTT explorer.

As I did not disclosed the alarm MQTT entity, here it is

  - name: "Alarme"
    unique_id: 610
    object_id: 610
    code_arm_required: false
    code_disarm_required: false
    code_trigger_required: false
    state_topic: "domoticz/out/610"
    value_template: > 
      {% set value_map = {
        "0": "disarmed",
        "10": "armed_away",
        "20": "armed_night",
        "30": "triggered"
      {{ value_map[value_json.svalue1] }}
    payload_arm_night: "20"
    payload_disarm: "0"
    payload_arm_away: "10"
    command_topic: "domoticz/in"
    command_template: >
      {"command": "switchlight", "idx": 610, "switchcmd": "Set Level", "level": "{{action}}"}
    retain: true
    qos: 0

You have to adapt the code of course

I just installed a VM with Jeedom and Ajax plugin and I correctly synchronized all my equipment in jeedom.
I also installed jMQTT (there is also MQTT Manager, which one is correct?) and I connected to my home assistant MQTT Broker.
Where should I tell Jeedom to send status updates of Ajax equipment thru MQTT so that HA can listen to them? Door sensor for example…

Thank you