I would like to request that the Ajax alarm system is being implemented as an component if possible.
See more here: https://ajax.systems/
Thank you in advance!
I would like to request that the Ajax alarm system is being implemented as an component if possible.
See more here: https://ajax.systems/
Thank you in advance!
I think it’s supposed to be possible using this Ajax module.
There’s some documentation here.
But I’m completely clueless and possibly wrong.
Maybe someone with more experience could help us out.
Edit: There is also a suggestion list over at ajax.systems where a request for an API is the most popular. From what I 've heard from a couple of electricians, Ajax are pretty responsive to their community’s request, so I guess something might be coming soon. Go over there and vote, no registration required.
Also, this thing I just found
Hey Guys!
There is any news about this?
None that i know of so far buddy.
Im actually waiting on this to see if i will upgrade my current paradox set up or if ill switch to Ajax.
I understand! I just have Ajax one!.
Lets hope they send an update.
You have an EVO right?
I have an 15year old paradox spectra at the moment
Thats really old!
I noticed now that they are creating an API
Thats a great new. I hope HA team grab this.
Ajax Systems 17 hours ago
At the moment we do not plan to give public access to the API, it will be available only to large corporate clients. At the same time, we are working on integration with the platforms IFTTT, Google, Amazon.
IFTTT is coming early 2019 they say…
Enterprise API is now ready:
I wonder if Home Assistant could get access.
I’ve created a new feature request for a open API this time
please spread the word and upvote like crazy and maybe ajax will consider to make it right this time
Voted. I would throw my money into this system if it could be added to Home Assistant
I voted too.I have an Ajax alarm and I’d like to know about alarm status, alarm alerts, each device status, temperature, etc.
Well, it seems someone started to reverse engineering
Unfortunately, they’ve closed the API
That’s a pity!
hi all, I’m researching alarm systems at the moment, choosing between Ajax and Jablotron 100, I know the latter can be made to work with HA, so was wondering if anyone has Ajax running with the uartBridge at the moment? and what was needed to make that work, obviously using the API would be much better, but still…
Hi @eavanvalkenburg. How are you so sure Jablotron 100 can be made to work with HA?
a friend of mine has a JA-1118N module and a RPI connected to that, where he can read the status of the system and then send it to MQTT in HASS.
Ah, he’s using an 8-channel BUS with PGM. Thanks. I was wondering how he has made a connection, but that will do yeah.
I found a way to get notifications about the AJAX system in HA. I will later write more on it, maybe even a custom component, but the key is in the supported SIA protocol as of version 2.7 of the AJAX system.
This is my current setup
AJAX — SIA protocol — > SIA system (python script) — MQTT publish — > Mosquitto — MQTT subscribe — > Home Assistant MQTT sensor
By setting up a local SIA monitoring server (based on python script like this one) on my LAN I was able to receive messages on that server from the AJAX alarm system.
I need to write a parser to parse the different SIA codes, see http://mocca.parcye.com/files/76/27/SIA%20coderingsoverzicht.pdf.88 in useful states which can be published through MQTT to a specific topic. Since I have not yet worked on the parsing, as test I am pushing the full SIA message.
In Home Assistant I created an MQTT sensor - which is subscribed to that topic.
The nice thing is that AJAX sends an acknowledgement message every couple of seconds, so as your AJAX hub goes down, you are also able to monitor that from within HA.
To be continued.
ps. since i am a new user i can only create 2 links max