Ajuda - Configurar Cloudflare no home assistent - ERRO


Segui esse tutorial https://medium.com/@thejeffreystone/home-assistant-and-cloudflare-e125338f60ad mais não deu certo, alguem pode me ajudar?

Could you be more specific on what’s your issue?

I am using HA with Cloudflare. However I am not using the SSL certificate provided by Cloudflare.

I am not sure and I never tried, but I have lot of subdomains so I am not quite sure if the SSL certificate provided will do the trick. Either way I needed the NGINX Reverse Proxy to be able to serve all of these subdomains, since NGINX comes with LetsEncrypt it’s almost dumb-proof. You don’t really have to worry about the SSL certificates.

Consegui usar o SSL da Cloudflare com Home Assistent amigo.

Muito obrigado pela ajuda, consegui usar com subdominio tambem