AK5 mini PC, auto power on modification

I wanted to replace a Raspberry Pi 2 with something faster. So I got a AK5 mini PC with a J3455 quad core CPU, 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of flash memory from AliExpress for $140. Should be plenty fast for running Hass.io in Docker. It’s powered from a external 12 V power supply. There’s a mSATA connector on the board that I haven’t tested.

The BIOS must have all possible settings enabled, except the most important; power on after power loss.This would definitively be a show stopper for an always on PC.

I made up a quick circuit with an Arduino Pro Mini to mimic a short power button press when the PC is off:

The red wire is connected to a 3.3 V regulator that’s always on as long as the external 12 V is connected. The white wire on pin 12 is connected via a 10k series resistor (limits the current) to a 5 V power supply that comes on when the PC is turned on. No idea what the USB-C connector is for BTW, could be a hard drive. The blue wire on pin 13 is connected to the power switch top right pin (sorry for the blurry picture):

The Arduino is running in a endless loop, checking if the power on pin 12 is low. If it is, it takes pin 13 low for a short while.


// Definitions
int vsense = 12;                      // Connects to the 5V supply via a 10k resistor to sense if power is on              
int pulseOut = 13;                    // Connect to power switch. The switch is grounded when pressed

void setup() {
  pinMode(pulseOut, OUTPUT);          // Set to output       
  pinMode(vsense, INPUT);             // Set to input, no pullup
  digitalWrite(pulseOut, HIGH);       // Initial state of output

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(vsense) == LOW) {   // Pulse the power button if vsense is low
    digitalWrite(pulseOut, LOW);      // Ground the power button
    delay(500);                       // wait 0.5s
    digitalWrite(pulseOut, HIGH);     // Release the power button
    delay(4000);                      // 4s delay to let system start after button is "pressed"

The Arduino’s output pin may be damaged if the power button is pressed since this will ground the pin while it’s high. So either remove the button or use a series resistor to limit the current. This must be smaller than the pull up on the board for the Arduino to be able to pull the line low. I did’t bother with this.

I installed Ubuntu 16.04, Docker and Hass.io. The Aeotech Z-wave stick was found just fine after a reboot. I copied all the config files from the Raspberry and all came up as it should.

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