Akeron duo salt for pool in bluetooth

Hi all,
I have a salt electrolyser for my pool : https://www.akeron.fr/en-gb/nos-produits/salt/duo-salt-regul-ph
I can connect the device with the Regul’app provided : ‎Regul'App dans l’App Store
The connexion is done through bluetooth and provide temp, ph, salt, etc…

Of course, I would like to retrieve theses data in HA !!!
But I really don’t know how to proceed to do some reverse engineering or something else…
Maybe someone already connect something similar ?

Thanks for your support

Just for history of this thread because @fransiouz already use hackeron gateway.

Thanks @sylvaing
It works like a charm !!
ESP32 inside with 3D printed case and external antenna

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is this compatible with qp salt duo bluetooth? Thanks!

Hi @granborja ,
I don’t know. if Akeron build for “qp” I think that it can be compatible, but I don’t know.
If you test this, add comment here :slight_smile:

but I dont know how I can buy the receiver!! can you send me a link? thanks

on amazon or aliexpress, for example: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005006336502350.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.15.761dZ0SUZ0SUjK&algo_pvid=a2705d46-4334-481b-b9f7-6bee43f4623f&aem_p4p_detail=202405220431003397767261092620002539184&algo_exp_id=a2705d46-4334-481b-b9f7-6bee43f4623f-7&pdp_npi=4%40dis!EUR!12.26!0.99!!!94.19!7.64!%40211b600917163774608283753e6632!12000036804335180!sea!FR!0!AB&curPageLogUid=FAcObR9fvAHM&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A&search_p4p_id=202405220431003397767261092620002539184_2

for antenna, example:


Hi! how can I install this on my esp32 board?
Sorry Im pretty new in this things!!


Do we just need a esp32 board to act as a bluetooth proxy, and it will automatically detect the Akeron device?
or do we need to install anything? thanks for the reply!

If you know How to do This please let me know. I have my esp32 board sleeping in my desk.

you just need to install Hackeron on your esp32

You must use PlateformIO to compile and upload the code on your esp32.
You must find many tutorial on this with google.

Sorry, but I don’t have time to explain this. google with video tutorial will be better than me !