Akuvox SmartPlus - View door camera feeds, open doors and manage temporary keys

When I use rfid with a html command , my door is always opening. Even if there is no opening command…

  1. Is that normal ?
  2. What can I do about it ?

Can you describe how you inserted it in exactly?

  - trigger: webhook
      - POST
      - GET
      - HEAD
      - PUT
    local_only: true
    webhook_id: akuvox_doorbell_validcard=049048A64F14566
  - if:
      - condition: state
        entity_id: counter.aanwezigheid
        state: "0"
      - action: counter.increment
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: counter.aanwezigheid

      - action: rest_command.example_request
        data: {}
        alias: de deur open

and the rest command in config.yaml

    url: "http://192.X.X.X/fcgi/do?action=OpenDoor&UserName=X&Password=X&DoorNum=1"

so there is no “else” , so the door must be closed… but it is opening

Where does this part come?

and this in configuration.yaml?

url: “http://192.X.X.X/fcgi/do?action=OpenDoor&UserName=X&Password=X&DoorNum=1

Automation I made to open the door . Where I can made actions to the person who is logging in…

Where’s the Webhook ID?

Does the yaml code stand completely as written above in automation? I’m new to Home Assistant.
Can you describe all the steps to create? What has to go where?

In my akuvox doorbell, but I don’t have acces to that right now

in your config.yaml

    url: "http://IP-ADRESDOOR/fcgi/do?action=OpenDoor&UserName=X&Password=X&DoorNum=1"

change X by password and username of your login of your akuvox doorbell.

This is the code to open a door

so in an automation this gives you:

action: rest_command.example_request
data: {}

when pressing the call button you can use this

trigger: webhook
  - POST
  - PUT
  - GET
  - HEAD
local_only: true
webhook_id: akuvox_doorbell

therefor you have to put this in config yaml



this post Door Intercom - Akuvox R20K (on Ethernet) - #16 by GeryDk gives you more info about the akuvox part

If you want a badge system, you have to add your rfid code in the akuvoxx system and use this code to use the badge
webhook_id: akuvox_doorbell_validcard=049048A64F14566

I just can’t get it.
In the configuration.yaml I have entered the following.

and in automation, the following is:

If I want to save the automation, there’s an error message. What am I doing wrong.

What’s that entity?
entity_id: counter.aanwezigheid

You dont need that if else structure. It is to test of somebody is already in the house

Did you also add webhook: in config.yaml ?

This is in the configuration.yaml:

And that’s the code for the dashboard

There is the integration of Akuvox, which I installed according to instructions. I see the door camera, but the door opening button doesn’t work.

This is the Logfile from Akuvox-Integration

personal door log
2024-12-19 15:11:38.520 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.akuvox] Switching API address from 'single' to 'community'
2024-12-19 15:11:38.603 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.akuvox] ❌ Unable to retrieve user's personal door log
2024-12-19 15:11:40.688 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.akuvox] Switching API address from 'community' to 'single'
2024-12-19 15:11:40.777 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.akuvox] ❌ Unable to retrieve user's personal door log
2024-12-19 15:11:42.866 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.akuvox] Switching API address from 'single' to 'community'
2024-12-19 15:11:42.952 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.akuvox] ❌ Unable to retrieve user's personal door log
2024-12-19 15:11:45.044 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.akuvox] Switching API address from 'community' to 'single'
2024-12-19 15:11:45.128 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.akuvox] ❌ Unable to retrieve user's personal door log

The trigger is an automation. Not in your config file

What’s automation doing?

In the list of countries India is not there
How to add India country code +91

Hi I tried to login with the token followed your manual. but unfortunately I don’t get the token and auth token or password. See underneath screen…
any help on this…


How do i connect mitmproxy?

Hi Everyone.

Recently jumped onto the Akuvox bandwagon from dahua land and just doing the last few bits to close off this chapter

Has anyone got a decent how to on getting the tokens to get the app into home assistant. for some reason i cant do the sms login (Australian user) to get this working. the use of the HTTP proxy is confusing me a touch