Akuvox SmartPlus - View door camera feeds, open doors and manage temporary keys

Where you able to recover the requests for the login?

yes. and when i tried to use that info for HA id gave this error

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.akuvox
Source: custom_components/akuvox/api.py:356
Integration: Akuvox SmartPlus (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:27:37 AM (7 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:37:46 AM

:x: Unable to retrieve server list.

Can you please send me the screenshot for the login request and response?

Is this what you need?

If you follow the steps in the guide I posted above you should see these requests highlighted:

For each one, please take a screenshot of the request & response.

Thank you.

I can’t see the full response for the rest_server request.
Can you please change the view to JSON and send another screenshot / copy-paste the text?

    "datas": {
        "gate_srv_net_https": "https://gate.ucloud.akuvox.com:8600",
        "gate_srv_net_ipv6_https": "https://gate6.ucloud.akuvox.com:8600",
        "rest_server": "ucloud.akuvox.com:8080",
        "rest_server_https": "ucloud.akuvox.com:8443",
        "rest_server_https_ipv6": "2600:1f1c:19d:ef00:55a2:5f88:f6ba:1e8:8443",
        "rest_server_ipv6": "2600:1f1c:19d:ef00:55a2:5f88:f6ba:1e8:8080"
    "message": "success",
    "result": 0

When trying to set up the integration, I can’t sign in via the SMS or App token methods. When the correct details are inputted into SMS Verification (Country code - +61, Australia) and my number it says SMS code request failed. check your phone number.
Trying via the sign-in app token method gives me the error “Sign in failed. Please check the values entered and try again”

Thank you for your assistance with this, would love to get this working.

Hi @FreakLikeMe & @Noble, I have an idea for a potential fix but I can’t work on the integration right now. As soon as I have some time I will push a beta with a fix.

@Noble - Could you please provide me with a sceenshot of the rest_server request and response from your device from mitmproxy?

Thank you!

@DangerDave2020, @FreakLikeMe & @Noble - I just released a new beta version, v0.0.7-beta1 which adds support for regions outside Europe. Please upgrade and let me know if you can now sign in and view your devices.

To install the new beta version:

  1. Open the Akuvox SmartPlus repository in HACS

  2. Click on the button in the top right

  3. Select the ↻ Redownload option

  4. Enable the Show beta versions option

  5. Select version v0.0.7-beta1 from the updated version drop-down list

just tried with sms and it worked will try the token way soon.

Thank You SOOOO much.

Nice integration, i am using almost all of this but with just local controll. Having door bel issue webhook to homeassistant, and viewing rstp with sound with webrtc, i just cant get to have 2 way audio communication with doorbell, i wonder if anyone here has some kind of way of doing that.

Frigate supports 2 way audio. you can try with that

Yes that works now Thank you! Should I stay in the beta version?

Glad to hear it’s working for you :+1:
The current version is the same as the beta.

Great now that I’m logged in I need to see if it’s actually receiving calls