Akuvox SmartPlus - View door camera feeds, open doors and manage temporary keys

Здравствуйте! При попытке настроить интеграцию я не могу войти в систему с помощью SMS или токена приложения. В приложение SmartPlus без проблем вхожу по номеру телефона (код страны +7). В чем может быть проблема?

Hi @alexeigamayunov. This is an English speaking forum, so I have translated your post below into English so everyone can understand. Please translate your responses into English. :pray:

Hello! When I try to set up the integration, I can’t login using SMS or app token. I can easily enter the SmartPlus application using my phone number (country code +7). What could be the problem?

It would be helpful to review your debug log messages in order to understand what the issue might be.
Please follow these steps to enable debug logging for the Akuvox integration and provide the debug log:

  1. Go to the Developer tools menu item, and then select the SERVICES tab

  2. Enable debug logging by calling this service:

service: logger.set_level
  custom_components.akuvox: debug
  1. With debugging now enabled, please reload the integration from the integrations page.

  2. Try to as the integration and sign in

  3. Navigate to your Home Assistant log: https://[YOUR_HA_INSTANCE]:8123/config/logs?filter=akuvox

  4. Press the LOAD FULL LOGS button.

האם יש אפשרות לייתר את המסך של האינטרקום ולקבל הודעה על צלצול דרך הום אסיסטנט?
האם אפשר לשתול את כפתור פתח שער במסך של המצלמה בהום אסיסטנט?

Hi @nahumoded. This is an English speaking forum, so I have translated your post below into English so everyone can understand. Please translate your responses into English. :pray:

Is it possible to turn off the intercom screen and receive a ringing notification through Home Assistant?
Is it possible to plant the open gate button on the screen of the camera in Home Assistant?

1. Intercom screen & ringing notifications

Currently you cannot turn off the intercom screen, but you can use the akuvox_door_update event as a trigger in your automations whenever a door is rung or opened. Please review the documentation to learn more and see an example of how to be notified when a doorbell is rung.

2. Add a door open button on the video feed

This is more of a front-end question and not specific to the Akuvox SmartPlus integration. There are many ways to do this, but perhaps the easiest way might be to use a picture-entity card to display the camera feed and set the tap_action to press the door’s replay button to open the door:

type: picture-entity
show_state: false
show_name: true
name: Tap to Open
camera_view: live
camera_image: camera.main_entrance
entity: camera.main_entrance
  action: call-service
  service: button.press
    entity_id: button.main_entrance

1 Like

I can see the live camera, and the opening buttons works properly too, but I can’t see any events, and when someone presses the button, the automation isn’t trigger

Can you please share your YAML?


  • platform: event
    event_type: akuvox_door_update
    CaptureType: Call

Can you please try using the following for the trigger? This way you can rule out any issue with the CaptureType.

  - platform: event
    event_type: akuvox_door_update

When pasting code for next time, please make sure yo use the </> button (preformatted text) as YAML code requires the correct spacing between lines, which I can’t see in your last post.

no change

It might be helpful to see your debug logs.

  1. Open the Akuvox SmartPlus integration:
    SettingsDevices & ServicesIntegrationsAkuvox SmartPlus

  2. Select Enable debug logging

  3. Reload the integration
    ⟳ Reload

  4. View your log messages in Home Assistant:


    and click LOAD FULL LOGS

Thank you. It looks like you logged back into the SmartLife app on your phone after adding the integration to Home Assistant, which invalidated the tokens in Home Assistant.

You will need to either:

  1. Update your tokens in the configuration to stay logged in on both your mobile device and Home Assistant, or

  2. Remove the integration from the integrations page:
    SettingsDevices & ServicesIntegrationsAkuvox SmartPlusDelete
    and then add the integration again via the SMS verification sign in method - note that this will sign you out of the SmartLife app on your device.

I have a problem with the integration of Akuvox R20A - I wanted to do it via HACS SMS authorization, but the add-on allows you to enter a telephone number only in the US standard, i.e. +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX. The numbering standard in the EU is different and the add-on does not adopt the European system. e.g. in Poland there is a numbering system +48 XXX-XXX-XXX, i.e. the GSM number consists of the country code, e.g. +48 or 0048 and 9 digits XXX-XXX-XXX or XXXxxxXXX


Hello. This is a great integration, but the fact that you get logged out of the phone app is an unfortunate issue. I know there’s supposed to be the token login method to avoid that, so I’ve been messing with it and trying to make it work and wanted to share my results.

The short version to not raise anyone’s hopes up (I saw there were a few posts about it earlier), it might be impossible on non-ancient non-rooted Android phones.

The long version, I installed mitmproxy on my computer and ran it. Then I connected my phone through wifi with data off, with computer:8080 pointed to as the proxy. At this point when moving around the Akuvox app I could see GET requests and even my basic token, though not the auth_token anywhere. I could also log in and out, but this generated no traffic on the proxy. Clearly Android was sidestepping the proxy for that particular connection. Notably, while traversing the menus, the app was giving me warnings that the connection wasn’t private.

To deal with that I searched for something to force all traffic through a proxy. The way I found was the Super Proxy app which basically pretends to be a VPN to capture all the traffic and then directs it to your chosen proxy. Once I used that instead of system settings, I no longer could log in.

To me this could really only one thing - the secure authentication connection was no longer able to squeeze by the side of the proxy and so was getting blocked. The obvious reason was the certificate. I tried googling something. Didn’t work, connection not private. To resolve it you need to go to mitm.it from within the proxied device (i.e. the phone, here), and that will generate a certificate file for you which you can install into Android. After that I was able to google things no problem, and see the GET/POST requests show up on the proxy.

Still no luck on actually logging in through the proxy, though. Oh, there’s no problem when I turn the proxy connection off, log in, then turn it back on and then move around the app. But logging in just doesn’t work.

I looked around for an answer and found this: Android Developers Blog: Changes to Trusted Certificate Authorities in Android Nougat

Protection of all application data is a key goal of the Android application sandbox. Android Nougat changes how applications interact with user- and admin-supplied CAs. By default, apps that target API level 24 will—by design—not honor such CAs unless the app explicitly opts in. This safe-by-default setting reduces application attack surface and encourages consistent handling of network and file-based application data.

This change applies from Android 7 (Nougat) forward, so I guess if my phone was Android-6-or-earlier ancient it would work, but for anything newer apps have to be explicitly preconfigured to accept user certs and it appears the Akuvox app simply is not, and so it rejects the mitmproxy cert and won’t make the connection trough it.

This is as far as I can take it, I’m afraid. There’s one more step that could be taken - with a rooted phone it should be possible to add your own cert as a pretend system one by manually messing in the system files, and thus bypass the need for an opt-in (or maybe even just rip auth_token straight from the Akuvox app and not mess with the proxy at all?). I don’t want to root the phone though since I know my banking app won’t like it. For now, I’ll just use one of the family accounts as the automation one, but I’m hoping that maybe my findings here can be useful to someone in figuring out something further.

I’m also from Poland and I also have the R20A. I didn’t have any problem inputting the number. Just put +48 for the country code, and then your phone number below that. No spaces, no dashes, nothing. It worked for me no problem with one phone number. It was giving me the same message you’re getting with another. The reason was it didn’t actually have a phone number associated with the account, just the email, and adding it fixed this. Are you sure you have a phone number associated with that account?

is iit possible to get a massage only if someone rung the door?
not to get a massage when someone open the door

Hi nahumoded.

Yes, there is an example in the documentation of using the door ring event (CaptureType: Call) as a trigger for an automation.

still when someon enter the code or when the door open with the automation, i still get a massage in ha that the door was opened. is ther a way to cancel get a massage?
need to get a massage only when someone ring the door

Hi @Nimrod_Dolev
This is driving me crazy and I’d really appreciate your help.

The problem I have now is that the live camera feed shows up on the web version of HA but when I try to livestream the camera from the iOS HA app, I get an error. I don’t know why iOS won’t let me livestream the camera feed at all, there is no way for me to view the camera feed on my IPhone.

I also attached a screenshot of what happens on my iPhone when I try to play the livestream.
Thanks for your hard work on this intervention!

Hi @kevdog. This issue is not related to the Akuvox SmartPlus integration but with the Home Assistant companion app for iOS.

There is another custom component, WebRTC Camera, which can fix this issue that you might want to check out.