Unsure, I only use for arm / displaying status / zone status. Disarms requires sending your code, which I prefer not to do.
So, I am on the current beta (0.118.0B1) but even in 0.117 I noticed more error messages. Anyone else starting to get
Complete newb here with very little programing experience. I like to tinker…(Did I just reveal my age…LOL)
I installed the Alarm,com code to my installation and after trial and error I finally managed to get the panel on my Home Assistant, However, I am not able to get the status update, nor am I able to send commands to arm or disarm my system. I see on the alarm,com website that Home Assistant is successfully login in. But I am not able to do anything.![Screenshot (2)|690x460]
I looked through the code…funny right, because I have almost no idea what any of it does. I am just really good are reading instructions from the community and copying code. However, I did see a line of code in the pyalarmdotcomajax.yaml file that references this - LOGIN_POST_URL = “https ://www.alarm.com/web/Default.aspx”. When I login to alarm,com my first screen is https://www.alarm.com/web/system/home and if I try to access https://www.alarm.com/web/Default.aspx i get directed back to the login screen with a message saying that have been logged out for trying to access a page without logging in.
. Any idea what I can try to get this working?I’m having issues today as well with a previously working configuration. I suspect it may have to do with the splash screen that’s always popping up on login now asking whether you’d like to setup 2FA. Are there any known workarounds? Error below.
2021-03-16 11:07:49 ERROR (MainThread) [pyalarmdotcomajax.pyalarmdotcomajax] Unable to extract system id from Alarm.com
2021-03-16 11:07:49 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel] Error while setting up alarmdotcomajax platform for alarm_control_panel
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 198, in _async_setup_platform
await asyncio.shield(task)
File "/config/custom_components/alarmdotcomajax/alarm_control_panel.py", line 78, in async_setup_platform
await alarmdotcom.async_login()
File "/config/custom_components/alarmdotcomajax/alarm_control_panel.py", line 124, in async_login
await self._alarm.async_login()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyalarmdotcomajax/pyalarmdotcomajax.py", line 130, in async_login
self._systemid = json["data"][0]["id"]
KeyError: 'data'
I resolved my issue. In case anyone runs into the same thing, it’s possible to enable a 2FA cookie in the configuration. I enabled 2FA on my account, logged in and grabbed the cookie from my browser. I’m back in business. There’s nice instructions on the components GitHub page.
Davenaum - can you share where you found the components GitHub page? I think that I’m running into the same problem (none of my alarm.com integrations work recently - and I just setup the 2fA knowing it would lead to problems…)?
Edit: Found the page: https://github.com/uvjustin/alarmdotcom
Next question - where did you find the twofactorcookie in the alarm.com home screen?
2nd Edit: I found the twofactorauthenticationID by using the Chrome “Developer Tools” and the “Cookie Manager”.
My alarm.com integration is now working properly!!
I was having the same problem with my alarm not working correctly. The alarm.com web I use does not have the 2FA enabled so I didn’t think I needed to add the line but sure enough as soon as I did, everything worked.
My point is because 2FA is used for alam.com, it doesn’t matter if you have it enabled or not. You still have to apply it to the configuration.yaml.
I know this is an old conversation, but…
I just installed the alarmdotcom integration, but I can’t seem to get it to arm/disarm from Hass.
What I’m hoping to accomplish is to have Hass disarm the alarm when we get home, along with opening the electronic lock when we approach the front door.
I’m working on facial recognition for the security camera that I’m in the process of installing.
But I’m new to Hass, and just figuring things out. Does anyone know how I can create an automation to disarm the alarm when we arrive home?
(When I get the facial rec working, i’ll use that as the trigger. I’m also planning to have a security “backup” with an RFID card/chip that we swipe at the bottom of our porch steps. At least until the facial rec is verified to be secure.)
Any help with coding would be appreciated!