I currently use the Alarm.com alarm component to trigger events based on my alarm armed and disarmed states.
I have some other alarm components connected to the alarm but since I am using a monitored system I do not have a way to move them over to my zwave hub.
I do see on the pda page for alarm.com it has all the events for the sensors displayed. I would like to request that the alarm.com component be extended to have these sensor’s states visible in home assistant to allow for triggering based on these items.
The logs on the pda page do seem to give each sensor an id as well which would facilitate the ability to parse and identify them
+1 I have the same system and this would be a huge help to avoid having to buy and install additional door/window sensors. Thanks for considering this addition!
I can get template sensors to appear (platform is actually alarmdotcom…?) in logbook but it doesn’t like device_class and it doesn’t seem to react in logbook or history when the sensor is tripped. Any other config you’ve done? What exactly is it scraping the status from?
Unfortunately they seem to be quite delayed. If you do look at the info on the entities page you will see sensor status but it’s definitely not real time norusuable to trigger real-time
Checking in on this thread. I have alarm.com integrated with HA and i would like to trigger my motion sensors to turn on the lights in the room. Can I Joe’s code below (w/mods) to make this happen?
You can create an automation with the trigger being the binary sensor that you created. With a condition on the state of sun.sun with state below_horizon
Hi @JohnB for the configuration file I have my template sensor in configuration.yaml
- platform: template
device_class: motion
friendly_name: ‘Foyer motion’
value_template: >-
{{ state_attr(‘alarm_control_panel.alarm_com’, ‘sensor_status’) | regex_search(‘Motion Detector is Activated’, ignorecase=TRUE) }}
automation in automations.yaml
- id: '1557395754393'
alias: New Automation
- entity_id: binary_sensor.foyer_motion
from: 'off'
platform: state
to: 'on'
- condition: state
entity_id: sun.sun
state: below_horizon
- data:
entity_id: light.foyer
service: light.turn_on
initial_state: 'on'
Has anyone been able to successfully use silent arming with this component? Would be a really useful feature as I’m looking to automate a Silent Stay arm each night at a specified time.