Alarm Control Panel - arming without delay?

Just getting around to automating our alarm, which is via

When we go to bed, we usually Arm Stay and disable the “delay” option, which means the alarm is triggered immediately upon a door opening, etc. This is as opposed to, when the delay option is ON, you have a set time to disable the alarm before it’s triggered. We consider it an extra security measure when we know we’re not going in/out.

I don’t see any way to arm without delay from within Home Assistant. Am I missing it?

…and for that matter, I just realized I don’t see the other kind of delay; that is, if I arm the system Away is there a way to add a delay to allow exiting the house? When you do it from the physical panel you get some period (I think 30 seconds) to exit with audible beep before the alarm is really armed.

Is there no way to manage either delay? Kinda surprising, unless most people are just using manual alarms…

As far as I know it is possible to set up 3 different alarms: armed_home, armed_away, armed_night. Maybe it is possible to set up custom names but I haven’t tried that yet.

Here is an example:

  - platform: manual
    name: Home Alarm
    code: !secret alarm_code
    pending_time: 20
    delay_time: 20
    trigger_time: 180
      trigger_time: 0
      pending_time: 0
      delay_time: 0
    disarm_after_trigger: false

So, in this example the pending time for my alarm is 20 seconds, this gives me the time to leave the house and will work when using armed_away.
It has a 20 seconds trigger, so when the alarm gets triggered it doesn’t immediately fire (giving me the time to shut it down if I accidentally trip it)
Then when I set it to armed_home it has a pending time of 0 and thus will activate immediately.

Thanks for your reply. Do you happen to know if those are available with integration? The documentation suggests not:

I assumed arm_night was what I want but tried using it and it always fails. Not sure why.

I’ll experiment with those settings, though.