Alarm control panel from Jeedom to HA ( Ajax systems)

Hello ,

i have a ajax alarm system where i can read the status with jeedom ( i know Sia also works , but no details like door sensors)

for the door sensors it works perfect ( over MQTT ) but i’m now stuck for send and receice the status

This is what i setup in jeedom MQTT

Topic :

Value : 
{"name": "nachtalarm3", 
"unique_id": "nachtalarm3",
"payload_arm_night": "NIGHT_MODE",
"payload_disarm": "DISARMED" ,
"state_topic": "homeassistant/alarm_control_panel/state",
"command_topic": "homeassistant/alarm_control_panel/command" ,
"value_template":#[Huis][Willems - Wydouw][Etat]#}

the field after value_template is the status that jeedom paste

when i look in HA log i receive error

Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.alarm_control_panel
Source: components/mqtt/
Integration: MQTT (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 09:43:10 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 09:43:10

Received unexpected payload: {"name":"nachtalarm3","unique_id":"nachtalarm3","payload_arm_night":"NIGHT_MODE","payload_disarm":"DISARMED","state_topic":"homeassistant/alarm_control_panel/state","command_topic":"homeassistant/alarm_control_panel/command","value_template":"DISARMED"}


i’m stuck with the same need. did you find a solution ?

thanks !

I’ve managed to get it working by utilizing the “MQTTManager” plugin on Jeedom which publishes all ajax devices states to the HA MQTT Broker. Then i create MQTT sensors for the devices i am interested in. As for arming/disarming i in return have in Jeedom set-up scenarios which trigger on specific MQTT messages i send from HA.

If you want to avoid all the custom MQTT sensors you can also use the Jeedom API. Easy to use considering that you can generate an url on their web portal by going to Analysis → Domotic Overview and then clicking for example your Ajax Hub then Mode nuit for night mode and then clicking the little gear icon. This will show you a page which allows you to get the direct url to that command. Then just call those form HA to either activate relays, alarm modes or to get values for devices.

Im stuck in a step behind.

Ajax integration in Jeedom is active, i got my equipment synchronized.
How do i transfer the equipment to be seen in jeedom mqtt?
I tried 2 ways:

  1. JMqtt plugin. Made local broker, it is active and empty.
  2. MQTT Manager, i have connection to HA broker, but unable to add Ajax equipment to any of the mqtt plugins for it to be visible.

Can anyone tell me how please? maybe a screenshot? i think i might be missing some button to check.

you will find a good tutorial here: