It would be great, if the Alarm Control Panel could handle users with different code.
In this case we can log who armed/disarmed the system.
According to the docs,
It accepts code or code_template.
There is no example of code_template but I assume something like {{ 1234 or 5678 }}
is valid with two codes.
Maybe, but it is not good for identify who (which code) was used for arm/disarm.
Maybe you can find that out.
But keep in mind that for each code you add it will be easier to find a correct code.
4 digits is 10000 combinations.
If you have two codes the chance of someone hitting a correct code is 1/5000, and so on.
Maybe you can use the presence detection someway to get who armed/disarmed the alarm?
I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, just saying you might be able to do it already in a different way.
For a real alarm system this function is mandatory.
Agree 4 digit is not too secure…
But if every user know/use the same code as well not too secure…