Alarm entity missing from Alexa integration device list

I have setup the manual Alexa integration and have successfully exposed lights, switches, etc to Alexa. Even though I am including the domain alarm_control_panel, my alarm_control_panel.alarmdotcom entity is not showing up in Alexa. I manually ran the lambda function and it is not returned by the HA API.

Is there additional configuration required to expose the alarm_control_panel entity via the alexa integration?

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I am also struggling with this.

Did you ever find a cause for this?

I’m restarting and refreshing and searching for devices to no avail.

EDIT: I ended up creating a template alarm that just controls the actual alarm_control_panel. For whatever reason, this one is visible to Alexa and works like a charm

Hi, same for me.
I am using GitHub - nielsfaber/alarmo: Easy to use alarm system integration for Home Assistant which uses a “per user” pin code.
Is it also your case ?
@reddaltoids could you provide me extra info on how to integrate what you did ?
Even with an extra template I can’t expose my alarm sytem.

After having a look at the source code of home assistant I figured out the problem.
The alarm panel must have the following parameter :

code_arm_required: false