When I configure the Alarm Panel Card, I’m not able to show a keypad to allow me to manually input a specific alarm code.
The documentation shows a keypad in the default configuration. But when I try I am only able to see the Alarm Status and the buttons for “arm_home”, “arm_away” and “arm_night”. Which I’ve programmed to match the functions in my Envisilink-DSC system. However, I would really like to have a keypad for being able to disarm from a dashboard.
I found one email that someone had found a bug in this code. But this was several years ago and I would have assumed that this would have been addressed.
I looked into the code_arm_required: true variable. I am using an EyesOn Envisalink Integration interface (EVL4) device to interface to my DSC Alarm system.
It doesn’t look the same as where I found the reference to this variable. On the AlarmDecoder Integration page.
I’ve tried to find a similar way to accomplish this on the Envisalink Integration and not found a way that works. The Alarm Panel Card seems to only allow me to choose the following states: arm_home, arm_away, arm_night and arm_custom_bypass. I thought that the arm_custom_bypass would give me a way to input button presses.
At the moment when my alarm is armed I get a single button that says disarm. But this isn’t a very secure way to put on a dashboard that is open to everyone including a possible intruder.
I hadn’t realized that there was a different way to interface with the DSC alarm with a different hardware interface. I might need to look at this option if I can’t get a keypad to display a different way.
Sorry, I thought you were using the manual alarm integration. Can you show your config for the integration?
Specifically this bit:
code string (optional)
Your alarm panel’s code, for authenticating user input during arm/disarm. If you do not provide this value, the integration will prompt the user to enter the code at runtime.