Alarm Panel - Configuration invalid

Hi all,

With the most recent update changing alarm panel, I am still having some errors. I updated the pending_time to arming_time but still have issues.

Current error after upgrading -
Invalid config for [alarm_control_panel.manual]: [pending_time] is an invalid option for [alarm_control_panel.manual]. Check: alarm_control_panel.manual->pending_time. (See ?, line ?).

Error after changing configuration
Invalid config for [alarm_control_panel.manual]: [arming_time] is an invalid option for [alarm_control_panel.manual]. Check: alarm_control_panel.manual->triggered->arming_time. (See ?, line ?).

Below is the code and I followed this guide previously.

  - platform: manual

    name: Alarm

    code: !secret alarm_control_panel_code

    # Don't require the code to arm the alarm

    code_arm_required: false

    # Arm again after triggering

    disarm_after_trigger: false

    # Due to the complexity, ensure these are overridden by the required states below

    pending_time: 0

    delay_time: 0

    # Amount of time the alarm is triggered for

    trigger_time: 600


      # Ensure the alarm can never be directly triggered when disarmed

      trigger_time: 0


      # Leave no delay between arming and it being armed

      pending_time: 0

      # Leave no delay before triggering

      delay_time: 0


      # Delay from arming and becoming armed. The delay to leave the house.

      pending_time: 120

      # Allow time to disarm the alarm when arriving home

      delay_time: 60


      # No further delay before triggering. Only use the previous state's delay_time

      pending_time: 0

Updated Configuration
  - platform: manual
    name: Alarm
    code: !secret alarm_control_panel_code
    # Don't require the code to arm the alarm
    code_arm_required: false
    # Arm again after triggering
    disarm_after_trigger: false
    # Due to the complexity, ensure these are overridden by the required states below
    arming_time: 0
    delay_time: 0
    # Amount of time the alarm is triggered for
    trigger_time: 600
      # Ensure the alarm can never be directly triggered when disarmed
      trigger_time: 0
      # Leave no delay between arming and it being armed
      arming_time: 0
      # Leave no delay before triggering
      delay_time: 0
      # Delay from arming and becoming armed. The delay to leave the house.
      arming_time: 120
      # Allow time to disarm the alarm when arriving home
      delay_time: 60
      # No further delay before triggering. Only use the previous state's delay_time
      arming_time: 0

Managed to get it working by removing this line towards the end…
However, now the alarm doesn’t give time to go into armed when using Arm Away…

     # No further delay before triggering. Only use the previous state's delay_time
     arming_time: 0

I hit the same error and it seems the blog post has an incorrect value

its called “disarm_after_trigger” not “disarm_after_triggering”

See the manual below