I am using mqtt integration to communicate with my Homey. For all the devices I added, I had no problem or they were errors that I managed to correct. But I can not find the solution this time.
My alarm panel does change the state in my Homey but this panel does not change state itself. Whether I change the state from the HA alarm panel or change from Homey, the alarm panel remains in the same state.
And when HA restarts, the alarm panel is still in “armed” state even if the alarm in Homey is not in this state.
The only time the panel changes state is to switch to “disarmed” state. It no longer changes state after (except HA restart)
Can you help me with this please?
- platform: mqtt
name: Alarme
code: "1234"
code_arm_required: false
unique_id: "10aaa42c-ee2b-4421-b9e9-ef1bf907bdce_homealarm_state"
payload_arm_away: "armed"
payload_arm_home: "partially_armed"
payload_disarm: "disarmed"
state_topic: "homie/maison/surveillance/homealarm-state"
command_topic: "homie/maison/surveillance/homealarm-state/set"
identifiers: "homey-5d7b7****************_10aaa42c-ee2b-4421-b9e9-ef1bf907bdce"
value_template: '{{ value }}'