I am having an issue with my wireless sensors using the alarmdecoder integration. The issue is that HomeAssistant will report that one of the sensors has triggered true, even though when looking at the loop attributes, the loop is false. Also, I am not seeing a trigger on my vista 20p panel. Here is an example of what I am talking about:
Given these attributes, the sensor in HomeAssistant shows true (sensor is for loop 2 of this device). I have also seen that when a sensor is triggered, other wireless sensors will show one of their loops triggered, even though none of their loops show true, and the alarm panel does not indicate any issue with the non-triggered sensors.
I’m having same issue Not sure when this crept in but wasn’t showing zone trips fine before. It looks like on restart of HA all states of zones read correct then when a zone is tripped the state doesn’t return to closed state in HA. I thought it was something I changed in the loops so today was fixing day and ran into this problem.
@DrJeff I did not find another solution. I still am seeing the same issue. When one of the RF sensors triggers, it causes some of the others to change their status to triggered as well, even though when you look at the loop info, the other sensors are not receiving a triggered state from Alarm Decoder.