Alarmo and Xfinity XHK1UE Zigbee Keypads - only one works - both visible in Zigbee2MQTT

We have Alarmo up and working, and it is great. We also have a Xfinity Zigbee XHK1UE keypad, and it works just great with Alarmo.

We also have a second keypad - paired properly to Zigbee in HA - in our garage, and it does not work with Alarmo. I completely forget what we did to get the first one working with alarmo, but I know it involved a blueprint. I went through what I believe was the correct blueprint, and the second keypad is fully visible in Zigbee 2MQTT in HA, but it just does not work with Alarmo, and I have no idea why. We were considering adding a third keypad, but without getting the garage one working, what is the point?

What steps am I missing to make the second keypad work?