I am just trying to get Alarmo up and going. Setup has gone reasonably well. I am at the point now where I am trying to arm the alarm for testing.
Each time I try to arm the “Home” alarm, I get the following error. The error message is quite straight forward, but the trouble is, I can find anything that is open. I have 63 sensors in “Home” and I don’t see any that are open.
Logger: custom_components.alarmo.alarm_control_panel
Source: custom_components/alarmo/alarm_control_panel.py:665
integration: Alarmo (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 1:28:31 AM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:30:48 PMCannot transition from state disarmed to state armed_home, there are open sensors
I of course can pull sensors out to see if I can find the offending sensor, but I was wondering if there was a more intelligent way to identify it since there are so many sensors present? Like I said, all the ones I am monitoring in my other dashboards are closed, so I’m not sure what is going on. I suspect the error is correct, but it sure doesn’t seem like it is at this point.
If you have any ideas, let me know, otherwise, I will just pull all sensors out and put them back in slowly testing a few at a time.