UseCase -
Adonno NFC Tag reader, Gruffallo Toy NFC Tag on bottom triggers automation that plays the MP3 File to my google home display, as standard it doesn’t shown album art you can do like mine below for it to show this.
Issue -
Only shows as thumbnail on top right, its okay and will do the job just be better if fullscreen.
Could do MP4 but this makes it a 120MB instead of 20MB file (after compressing)… I’d imagine would add few ms delay to buffer in too.
My Code
service: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.home_max
media_content_id: media-source://media_source/local/gruffallo.mp3
media_content_type: audio/mpeg
metadataType: 3
title: Gruffallo
- url:
I wasn’t able to find out how to get it to show the image in the cast by research, I used ChatGPT who gave me a link to google’s Cast documentation, I then asked it to read that link and suggest if it could be done, it said yes, I then fed it back my yaml without the metadata stuff and said add it in, I then added in my image to my WWW folder and gave it my url and where I put it, it then spat this back which worked.
I hope this helps someone in the future and if anyone else is doing this be awesome to hear what you settled on