Alert Component Acknowledge single Alert with Telegram Callback


i installed the Alert component to remind me my windows are open. I watch 11 Windows and have 11 Alerts. I want to acknowledge a single Alert, based on the open window, but when i callback with telegram it acknowledges every alert.

this is my alert code:

  name: Das Fenster im Badezimmer ist offen
  entity_id: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0004021c4d
  state: 'on'
  repeat: 5
  can_acknowledge: True
  skip_first: True
      - 'Ist gewollt:/ack_win_bathroom'
    - telegram
  message: "Das Fenster im Badezimmer ist noch offen! Aktuelle Werte {{ states('sensor.humidity_158d0003cb8645') }} % & {{ states('sensor.temperature_158d0003cb8645') }} Grad"
  done_message: Das Fenster im Badezimmer ist wieder zu

and this is my automation code to acknowledge the alert.
All Alerts have different names.

- id: Acknowledge the Bathroom Window
  alias: Telegram Bot to Acknowledge the Bathroom Window
    platform: event
    event_type: telegram_callback
      command: /ack_win_bathroom
  - service: homeassistant.turn_off
      entity_id: alert.win_bathroom

Any help would be appreciated, im stuck and cant find out why and how. I have tried the service alert.turn_off but ist also turns off every alert, and not just the one i callback.

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For Future references. I just solved this problem by using "data: " instead of “command:” under the “event_data:” line.

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