Alert fires on each HA restart


I have configured an alert like this:

    name: "Vergeet niet om aan te geven dat je hem hebt leeggemaakt."
    done_message: clear_notification
    entity_id: input_boolean.wasmachine_draait
    state: "off"
      - 5
      - 10
      - 15
      - 30
      - 60
    can_acknowledge: true
    skip_first: false
      - mobile_app_x
      - mobile_app_y
      tag: wasmachine-klaar
      subtitle: "De wasmachine is klaar!"
      url: /lovelace/was

The input_boolean.wasmachine_draait is set by an automation everytime my washing machine finishes. (Based on monitoring the energy usage of the washing machine.) This works really well. What I like is that I keep getting notifications until I click a button to reset the alert. That way, I can’t forget to take the laundry off the machine.

My problem is that the alert also fires everytime that HA is restarted. How can I prevent that from happening?

You can’t with the alert integration. It will trigger when your input_boolean goes from any state to “off”. Like when home assistant restarts it goes from unknown to off.

The only way around this is with an automation instead of an alert. There you can use a state trigger that only triggers from “on” to “off”.

I had it setup with an automation. I switched to alert for the acknowledge possibility. Is there an easy way to achieve that with an automation?

Not that I know of. Try searching for a blueprint.

I will, thanks for your suggestion.

In the meantime: I think the alert feature should be marked deprecated. At least the documentation should clearly state that it’s an unmaintained feature that has a lot of limitations.