Alert for Watermeter on Water Leak

Hi all,

i have a watermeter running, which tells me, how much liters are used.

Now i had the idea, that it will be great to find a water leak, if the watermeter is increasing continuously over 20 minutes or something. Cause never ever, we have running water over 20 minutes.

Did anyone have an idea, how to check, if a sensor with the liters is running over a specific time (like 10 or 20 minutes) and send a notification to my phone than…

(i know how to send notification, but i dont have an idea, how to check, if the watermeter is increasing over 20 minutes in a row?)

My watermeter has got a “liters per minute” sensor. It is quite easy to do a “if liters per minute is above 0 for 20 minutes then…” automation