Alert: mobile companion toggle possible?

Hi everybody,

I use alert to send (re-occurring) notifications when we need to do certain things around the house. The way I do it is a bit bulky (see below), so if you know a better way, feel free to let me know :slight_smile:

Previously, I used telegram for this, which is a bit annoying because it sends multiple notifications (until the task is done); I switched to mobile companion (Android), so that once the task is done, all notifications can automatically be cleared by removing the tag set in the notification automation.

However, this requires me to open the Home Assistant app, select the correct lovelace dashboard, and toggle the input_boolean manually. Is it possible to add an action / URI to the alert so that it could be marked as completed (= input_boolean.turn_offed) from the notification?

This is the example code that I added pseudo-code to to clarify what I mean

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    name: "Garage is open"
    message: "The garage door is still open"
    done_message: "The garage door is closed"
    entity_id: input_boolean.garage_door
    state: "on"   # Optional, 'on' is the default value
      - 15
      - 30
      - 60
    can_acknowledge: true  # Optional, default is true
    skip_first: false  # Optional, false is the default
## This is what I would actually like to do =>
        - action: "TURN OFF" #is this possible?
          entity_id: input_boolean.garage_door
      - mobile_app_frank_android

Basically, everything works for me, except for two things:

  • can_acknowledge: true => Allows the alert to be unacknowledgeable. where does this happen / how can one acknowledge the alert?
  • turn off action => What I could do instead would be using URI with entityId:input_boolean.garage_door however: this will often not work. It will open the Android App, then time out (even though I can close, then open the Home Assistant app fine when doing so manually)

Btw. I use separate automations to input_boolean.turn_on the entities I need alerts for at specific times. This will trigger the alert, which will then keep alerting us in intervals until I manually input_boolean.turn_off whatever triggered them in the first place. Is there a better solution for this?

Thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile: