Alert sounds - best storage location


I have been using the config/www folder for storing quite a few little chime/ding-dong etc MP3 sounds for running before a TTS notification to a Google Nest Mini, is the still the best way of doing it?

I noticed I can get the same result by using the newer Media integration > Local Media (via an automation of course), so was just wondering what the best practice would be?
Can this support subfolders?



Reference: Media Source

Thanks, will give that a crack.

Which source would be the ā€˜best practiceā€™ to run a bunch of sound effects from now then?
Any pros/cons?

I simply created a sub-directory named effects.

Thanks - have done that now.
Needed to Google how, but then Iā€™m just stumbling my way through all this - for anyone following later; to see the root directory in the File Editor (and therefore get to the Media folder in order to subsequently add the subfolder) you need to change the config options of the File Editor add-on - ā€œEnforce Baspathā€ > set to OFF.

Didnā€™t require anything in the configuration.yaml for me, but Iā€™ve got the core installed on a NUC, FWIW.
TBH I donā€™t see why something like adding subfolders and better organisation tools arenā€™t available from within the GUI in the Media integrationā€¦

Soooo - in summary - you would recommend the Media integration for simple sound effects in automations, rather than the WWW folder?..

Yes, the Media Source integration.

Thanks for you help!

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