Alert triggers with state 'on', doesn't with 'off'

Can someone tell me why this works:

in alerts.yaml

  name: Test alarm
  message: "TEST"
  entity_id: binary_sensor.zigbee_window1
  state: 'on'
    - 2
  skip_first: false
    - ios_iphone

and this doesn’t:

  name: Test alarm
  message: "TEST"
  entity_id: binary_sensor.zigbee_window1
  state: 'off'
    - 2
  skip_first: false
    - ios_iphone

Min that I only changed from on to off. And I don’t use both alerts simultanouly (so no two same name entities).

@petro maybe another good input from you?

Sorry, can’t help. I haven’t used alerts yet.

Check the developer tools states menu. Is the state actually ‘off’?

Yes, its a binary_sensor and I checked it in the tools.

It goes ‘on’ and ‘off’.

Is it not allowed to have that entity two times in different alerts, maybe?

Any other suggestions @tom_l?

Nope. I’ve got nothing sorry. If I was near my HA I’d confirm it but I’m not and I’d prefer not to restart remotely if I don’t have to.

Could you try it when you are near your ha again?

Sure. I might get a chance tomorrow.

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Friendly reminder :wink:

anything new on this?