Alert when it's been more than X minutes since an event?

I want to monitor a specific device and generate an alert if it’s been more than 1440 minutes since an event has happened (this is about a PowerPet door and I want to know if it hasn’t been operated in a while, which implies the battery on the dog collar has died).

What’s the best way to accomplish this? Perhaps a countdown timer/variable that gets reset every time the door is operated? If the variable gets to zero, it can send an alert.

Create a binary sensor template as use delay_on

Here is an example that does the inverse. If the door open for 10 minutes the binary_sensor becomes true.

The only problem with this approach is it will reset when Home Assistant restarts. If that’s an issue there’s another slightly more complicated way to do it.

  - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ (is_state("binary_sensor.attic_door_open","on")  }}'
        delay_on: "600"

The use this to drive an alert.