Alert when mysensors node is not checking in for more than a day


I am adding more and more nodes of mysensors to HA. I can see that some senors stop working after a day or two.

Is there any way to monitor sensors avaiability? Something like if sensor did not send any data for more than 24 hours send a notification.



You can use a template binary sensor that checks the last_updated attribute of the sensor in question.

If you are interested, I have an appdaemon app that sends a notification if a node doesn’t report its battery status every 24 hours.

That would be nice. Could you please share it ?

I do not have such attribute in any of the sensors.

EDIT: I found it. One lever higher than attributes.

Yeah, here’s the overview of the state object.

last_updated is not part of what we call the “state_attributes”, but is an attribute on the state object.

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Thanks! Now I will be able to track MySensors liveliness.

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